• Arsh al-Baqarat A reflection on the ruling of "Arsh al-Baqarah" in the work of Afaza [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 135-154]


  • Bank A comparative study of inside money creation with »La-Zarar rule« (rule of the prohibition of detriment) [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 23-50]


  • Dieh Efaza A reflection on the ruling of "Arsh al-Baqarah" in the work of Afaza [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 135-154]
  • Discretionary Dunishment Feasibility of Applying The Principle of ne bis in idem in Islamic Punishments [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 1-22]
  • Divine ruling The Features and criteria for judicial and governmental rulings in Islamic Fiqh [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 87-106]
  • Double Punishment Feasibility of Applying The Principle of ne bis in idem in Islamic Punishments [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 1-22]


  • Efza A reflection on the ruling of "Arsh al-Baqarah" in the work of Afaza [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 135-154]
  • Emirates possibility of the Dar' rule in the negation of Qasamah evidence [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 213-230]
  • Ezale Bakarat A reflection on the ruling of "Arsh al-Baqarah" in the work of Afaza [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 135-154]


  • Government order The Features and criteria for judicial and governmental rulings in Islamic Fiqh [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 87-106]


  • Hadith The Features and criteria for judicial and governmental rulings in Islamic Fiqh [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 87-106]
  • Hodud Feasibility of Applying The Principle of ne bis in idem in Islamic Punishments [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 1-22]


  • Imam' The Features and criteria for judicial and governmental rulings in Islamic Fiqh [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 87-106]
  • Imami jurisprudence civil law "Analysis of the content of the investment deposit account from the perspective of Imami jurisprudence, civil law and the law of interest-free banking operations" [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 259-284]
  • Investment deposit account "Analysis of the content of the investment deposit account from the perspective of Imami jurisprudence, civil law and the law of interest-free banking operations" [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 259-284]
  • Islamic Governance Investigating the legitimacy criteria of commanding and commanding in management Emphasizing the basics of Islamic governance [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 231-258]
  • Islamic Punishment Feasibility of Applying The Principle of ne bis in idem in Islamic Punishments [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 1-22]


  • Judgment ruling The Features and criteria for judicial and governmental rulings in Islamic Fiqh [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 87-106]
  • Justice as an Individual Virtue Rereading the Subject Matter of Theory of Justice in Imamiia Political Jurisprudence and its Comparison with Contemporary Conception of Social Justice [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 155-186]
  • Justice as the Implementation of Sharia Rereading the Subject Matter of Theory of Justice in Imamiia Political Jurisprudence and its Comparison with Contemporary Conception of Social Justice [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 155-186]
  • Just law Rereading the Subject Matter of Theory of Justice in Imamiia Political Jurisprudence and its Comparison with Contemporary Conception of Social Justice [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 155-186]
  • Just Social Institutions Rereading the Subject Matter of Theory of Justice in Imamiia Political Jurisprudence and its Comparison with Contemporary Conception of Social Justice [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 155-186]



  • Luth possibility of the Dar' rule in the negation of Qasamah evidence [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 213-230]


  • Mahr al-Methl A reflection on the ruling of "Arsh al-Baqarah" in the work of Afaza [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 135-154]
  • Management Investigating the legitimacy criteria of commanding and commanding in management Emphasizing the basics of Islamic governance [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 231-258]
  • Money Creation Examining the aspects of issuing mortgage bonds with an emphasis on money creation, jurisprudential and economic study [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 107-134]
  • Money Creation A comparative study of inside money creation with »La-Zarar rule« (rule of the prohibition of detriment) [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 23-50]


  • Oath eaters possibility of the Dar' rule in the negation of Qasamah evidence [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 213-230]
  • Obedience Investigating the legitimacy criteria of commanding and commanding in management Emphasizing the basics of Islamic governance [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 231-258]


  • Qassama possibility of the Dar' rule in the negation of Qasamah evidence [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 213-230]


  • Social Justice in Jurisprudence Rereading the Subject Matter of Theory of Justice in Imamiia Political Jurisprudence and its Comparison with Contemporary Conception of Social Justice [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 155-186]
  • Suspicious possibility of the Dar' rule in the negation of Qasamah evidence [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 213-230]


  • The Principle of ne bis in idem Feasibility of Applying The Principle of ne bis in idem in Islamic Punishments [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 1-22]
  • The rule of Dara possibility of the Dar' rule in the negation of Qasamah evidence [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 213-230]