A critical review of the evidence of brain death determinism

Document Type : promotional


Islamic Azad University, Sufian, Iran



Brain death means permanent and irreversible stopping of all brain functions in such a way that there is no hope of returning to the previous state. In medical science, brain death is absolute death, but its religious jurisprudence is controversial. Many attempts have been made to express its Shariah ruling, but each researcher has paid attention to one specific part of its evidence. The evolution of the debate and the discovery of new evidences by researchers have been the reasons for such variation in ideas. Now that all the possible evidences have been presented, in the current research, using the library research method and comprehensive tracking of the evidences, the question: “How is the probative evidences of those who support the certainty of brain death evaluated?” was answered. It was determined that the probative evidence is incomplete in determining brain death, and a brain dead person cannot be considered dead; rather, the rulings of a living person should be applied to him/her.
Keywords: brain death, soul, body, True death, ،organ transplantation


  • Receive Date: 10 September 2023
  • Revise Date: 24 January 2024
  • Accept Date: 03 February 2024