Investigating the legitimacy criteria of commanding and commanding in management Emphasizing the basics of Islamic governance

Document Type : Original Article


Scholar of the fourth level of seminary


In his social life, man is bound to be present in various organizations that have chosen managers to manage their affairs and dominate other people. Every manager issues orders and commands to run the organization under his command and obliges his subordinates to accept them. Since, according to the foundations of monotheism, commanding is inherently exclusive to God Almighty, and no one other than Him has the right to command others, and accepting orders from anyone other than Him is also prohibited; Also, since in Islamic governance, all aspects of management and governance must be formed based on Islamic principles, it is necessary to examine the legitimacy of the phenomenon of commanding and being commanded according to these principles. Based on the relationship that each person may have with the organization, at first glance, the legitimacy of commanding and being commanded can be caused by the provincial system, laws and regulations, and the employment contract. In this article, by using the descriptive and analytical method and using the revelation and library sources, each of these funds, its conditions and requirements, as well as the territory of proving legitimacy by it, have been examined.


  • Receive Date: 08 July 2023
  • Revise Date: 23 December 2023
  • Accept Date: 30 December 2023