Usury and bank interest Criticism of theories

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty member of Imam Khomeini International University



Riba is banned in the Holy Quran as an unhealthy economic activity.

Islamic jurisprudence has accepted this ruling as a definite ruling and jurists are unanimous about it.But in terms of theology and what exactly is Rabi Muharram and what does it include? There is a difference of opinion among scholars. In the Islamic tradition, riba is prohibited under various headings such as loan, usurious transaction and some other headings. But since about a hundred years ago, with the expansion of the banking industry in Islamic countries, some Muslim thinkers have presented certain views with the aim of justifying bank interest and distinguishing it from Muharram usury. According to these views, Muharram usury is specific to cases such as extension of debt, exorbitant interest, consumer loan, contractual interest, etc., and does not include bank interest, which is usually the opposite of the aforementioned concepts. The present research while criticizing the views justifying bank interest for the belief that Muharram usury is an absolute excess conditional on capital, of which bank interest is one of its obvious examples. In addition, the criterion of capitalism is to be productive while being owned, and money does not have this feature and cannot be used as capital, unless it is used in Islamic contracts and corresponding to the real sector of the economy.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 18 February 2024
  • Receive Date: 22 January 2024
  • Revise Date: 08 February 2024
  • Accept Date: 12 February 2024