The rule of certitude and its place in deduction Jurisprudential rulings

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Law, Faculty of Judicial Law, University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Qur'an and Hadith University, Qom, Iran


The present research examines the validity of the rule of certitude and the effect of accepting the validity of this rule in deduction Jurisprudential rulings. Undoubtedly, the acceptance of this rule is dependent on the acceptance of the implications of the narrations mentioned about the validity of Istehhab, and although the famous late Usulists believe that Istehhab traditions do not have the comprehensive authority for both the rules of Istehhab and certitude, and therefore they have removed the institution of the rule of certitude from the evidence of Istehhab, but in their opinion It seems that among the narratives of Istehhab, the narration transmitted by Mr. Sadouq (may Allah be pleased with him) can prove the validity of this rule in its minimal interpretation - i.e., the signing of works based on prior certitude and ruling on the validity of past actions based on that certitude - if the document and evidence are accepted. Also, in the supporting documents of the Wrappers (Faraq) and Passing (Tajavoz) rule, there are interpretations that can be positive for the certitude rule in its minimal interpretation.


Volume 10, Issue 2 - Serial Number 20
September 2022
Pages 373-386
  • Receive Date: 15 September 2022
  • Accept Date: 15 September 2022