Document Type : Original Article
1 Associated Professor of Faculty of Economic and Social Sciennces, Buali University, Hamedan, Iran
2 Master’s Degree Student of Faculty of Economic and Social Sciennces, Buali University, Hamedan, Iran
At any historical period, the kind of governmentality has direct impact on relationship of social forces with power structure. Since, intellectual and jurisprudence processes of constitutional period could be assumed as contextual determiners of transition from Soltani order to Public order which although really was not “Public”, but laid the historical foundation of deconstruction of hierarchical order in Iran. Therefore, undoubtedly, the main feature of constitutional revolution could be assumed preparation for transition of governmentality and dominant political order, if regard it as the junction of rejected forces from the tyrannical system. The main goal of this writing is reviewing causes of the two transitions: from absolute monarchy to constitutional system, and from this latter to Pahlavi dictatorship. The article, in the framework of Foucault concept of “Govern mentality”, concerned with this question that: how monarchical governmentality revived in Pahlavi period. It seems originated in the kind of analysis and confronting of Jurists especially influential Juris consults with ideal and legitimate form of government. Discovering logic of Iranian pendulum motion from monarchy, and to dictatorship in the above mentioned period, could be the most important output of this article.