Examining the Components of "Subject", "Obligation" and "Mokallaf" in the Field of Individual and Government Jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of the Department of Fiqh and Islamic Law Foundations at Qom University

2 PHD student of fiqh and law foundation at Qom University


Common jurisprudence is a methodological knowledge in order to infer religious terms of ruling. The nature of this method is based on dissolution and decomposition logic. On the other hand, government jurisprudence that derives from a social need, believes in the evolution of the method of discovery of a ruling, the recognition of subjects and the conformity of sentences to matters based on compilation logic. The result of these two looks is methodological differences between individual and government jurisprudence. The authors in the present study, with a quadratic and methodological study, seek to analyze and express triple Difference between individual and governmental jurisprudence.


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  • Receive Date: 28 March 2013
  • Revise Date: 21 April 2013
  • Accept Date: 03 June 2013