Legal - Jurisprudential Nature of Moratorium on Bank Deferred Payments

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of the Department of Private Law at Shahid Behshti University

2 Master of Islamic Studies and Law at Imam Sadiq(a.s) University


Today, the problem of bank lagging has become one of the main problems and challenges of the banking sector, with some monetary and fiscal policies in favor of providing facilities with an increase in the upward trend of these delays has been reviewed and reformed. Restoring and restoring the resources assigned to the current demand cycle is one of the most important tasks of the banking system, which, if not important, will create serious consequences for the banking system. On the other hand, some customers, despite their willingness to pay their debts, do not have the power to reimburse them for inadequate reasons for their repayment, and in the event of the Bank's assistance and deductibility, they can continue to operate economically, gradually and for some time Pay your debt.
Using the mechanism to solve the problems of customers and banks in the issue of deferred claims is an effective and positive step. In the implementation of methods, the total debt of the former customer, which is the basis of the contract, is subject to changes that are important to examine this issue and its application to legal, legal and economic grounds. The special attention paid to the particular situation of some debtors and the reason for the failure to pay the facilities by them, due to the source of customer debt formation, the review of current methods and the effects of implementing these methods on the beneficiaries of facilities and banks can be A milestone in solving problems and problems in the area of ​​banking law is the issue of bank lag. The research method in the article is descriptive-analytic.


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Volume 1, Issue 1 - Serial Number 1
February 2012
Pages 107-123
  • Receive Date: 16 July 2019
  • Accept Date: 16 July 2019