Legal Jurisprudential Review of the Viewpoint of Sheikh Mohammed Abduh on the Government

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. Student of Public Law at Tehran University


The thought of Islamic rule in modern times and how it was formed and applied in this era, and its relation to Western democracy and the achievements of non-Muslims, was the main concern of contemporary Muslim political thinkers. Meanwhile, religious intellectuals in the Arab world have been pioneers in asking questions and giving adequate responses. Sheikh Mohammed Abduh, who is one of the pioneers of the idea of ​​returning to the forefront of righteousness, and the extension of religion to superstition, is one of the most important thinkers who can refer to his works and words, which can help us in the historical understanding of these ideas. Abduh, in addition to emphasizing the education of the people and its primacy over all political acts, did not remain silent against the political events of his time and by addressing concepts such as the meaning of the state, the ruler, the form of Islamic government, the conditions of the caliph, the powers of the caliph, the meaning of the oval, the role of the council in The Islamic government, the difference between the monarchy and the Islamic government, and the difference between theocracy and Islamic government, provided valuable treasures to researchers in this area. This paper tries to pay attention to these concepts in the legal-political discourse of Abduh, paying attention to the ideological roots of the Islamic government in today's world, the most important of which are the movements of the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIL, and by avoiding ethnic-religious disputes, one of the The largest theorists of this school are quoted to help understand the speeches and behavior of today's Salafist groups.


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Volume 1, Issue 1 - Serial Number 1
February 2012
Pages 61-78
  • Receive Date: 16 July 2019
  • Accept Date: 16 July 2019