Document Type : Original Article
One of the most important issues in any legal system, determines the punishment and the quality of its implementation. One of the issues in this regard is the implementation of Islamic punishments in public which can be found in verse 2 of Surah Noor, pursued it. It appears stating " Only believers" in verse because that stage is hidden from the eyes of the infidels to stop their panic not seen this vote commentators. On the other Quranic literature Keywords "Taefe" (small community) Keywords against "Ferghe" (large congregation) and thus also the time to run a small congregation must be present. The validity of this area are also divided into two categories: The traditions run by imams Facing the weakness of the other cheek because that should be enough to ensure (run among Muslims), it will suffice Secondly Nahi tradition of running around in the camp of disbelief that ShnhY implementation covered much of the infidels until these landscapes, their fears of Islam and eventually led to his conversion to Islam is not. On the other hand the criminal politics of Islam in the transverse and honor crimes based on concealing the prostitutes so that the reputation of the offender to be maintained and even the crimes in the society this way well as the prevalence does not. Other confirmed not to run around in public, MsalhY insult Islam should be said that in this regard the enemies of Islam are trying to take advantage of this trend and false media coverage following the brutal laws of Islam.
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